Mixed Media

The Veil Rising

THE VEIL RISING (diptych), each 48x24 inches, acrylic, mixed media on canvas, HD video and audio (EvE: Empowerment vs. Exploitation, Oakland, CA)

'The Veil Rising' is a diptych featuring the painted female form, incorporating two videos mounted into the canvas. The video is edited to the rhythm of a heartbeat. The audio of the heartbeat emanates from the painting through speakers hidden behind the canvas.

The female form fluctuates between momentary gestures of liberation.
The video invites the viewer beyond outward appearances to the reactions and associations inside the body.
The heart chakra processes the wounds of the collective systemic imbalances.
The second chakra (sexuality and creativity) ignites, releasing the veil that separates oneself from one's inherent powers.

Katherin Hervey, The Veil Rising, Mixed Media