Prison Movie Consulting & Story Producing
Need help gaining entry to film inside a prison?
Need help navigating the system on your prison shoot?
Need help ensuring the honest and ethical portrayal of incarcerated people and prison personnel in your film?
Need help finding the story in your edit?
I specialize in gaining entry into prisons, ethical direction services for filmmakers and production companies, and Story Producing from development through post-production.
I have over fifteen years of experience navigating the prison and criminal legal systems as a former Los Angeles Public Defender, prison college instructor, filmmaker, and active community member with currently and formerly incarcerated people.
Emerging Filmmaker Consulting & Story Producing
I provide a variety of documentary consulting services for all stages of development, production, post-production and distribution for emerging filmmakers.
I’m always looking for new projects to dive into and great people to collaborate with!
Contact Katherin To Schedule Your Consultation.